Sunday, 9 February 2014

Vogue very easy ahem jacket

Very Easy. Jacket. HA HA!!!

I was frightened by the coat concept.
I followed the instructions properly. Properly.
They were mad and resulted in this:



I also did some very weird things all by myself without the MAD instructions - see seam binding.

Anyway end result is LOVE. I love it! Also I ticked myself off and will make this again with my own idea on lining insertion (I will look at you tube to get my own idea). and with some nice neat binding at the front. maybe some liberty print binding. Mmmmmm. and I will interface the front facing, because the collar sinks down a bit at the front.

The fabric is Jacks fabrics on Leeds Market. Worth a visit for some nice wool at low prices. This isn't wool, it is acrylic but looks more expensive than its £3.50 per meter. in my opinion.

I like it best photographed from the outside, from where it looks as if I know what I am doing....check me out!!! swingy swirly! I can get all sorts under this baby...chickens maybe.


  1. Hi, Just come across your blog - via Burdastyle. Love the things you have made. I mainly seem to make dresses, but never seem to wear them as I'm usually in jeans or trousers!!
    You mention Leeds market in your posts - what day is the market on? Or is it an indoor market?? We occasionally visit Leeds on the train (my fella loves the Armouries) and wouldn't mind finding a nice place to get some more fabric - it is sooo expensive usually!!
    Keep up the good work - look forward to seeing more of your creations.

  2. Hi, thanks for taking the time to comment! I go to the market on Saturdays when it is indoor and outdoor, the fabric stalls are in the indoor bit and I think are there during the week too, The market is worth an explore even if you don't buy fabric...all sorts on sale from Tripe to Jamie Oliver Cookery Classes...
